
Saturday 11 July 2015

Destash Yardsale! A Great Summer MMQG NS Meeting

Can I just say that we have the most fun at our monthly meetings! Last night we tried something new - A Member Destash Yard Sale! Members brought fabric, notions, patterns, books, and items that they were ready to release from their stash, set up their tables and the shopping began!

There were some great deals! We had a lot of fun getting rid of some old stuff and getting  new stuff! Throw in making a couple of bucks and you have for a fun evening! Oh and did we have some fun over some the the items...

Somebody might have taken the duck will have to stay tuned for a future project...

After shopping we had a Low Volume Charm Square swap, Amanda is so organized!

Then, like the excitement could not build anymore, We oohed and aahed over the Pillows that are now off to be swapped with the Edmonton MQG. 

And of course we could not end an evening without a show and share. Summer hours are keeping our finishes on the light side, but as one member said "I come here to get inspired". We had some amazing projects shown and some great consults.

Amanda showed us her AMAZING sewing machine cover and she got some advice on quilting
Jennifer showed a Quilt Bee UFO that has been sitting in the closet. Time to get it out!
Anja made a basked and bag!
Cathy is into some improv and an adorable baby quilt (below)

Dominique, in her wizardry of re-purposing showed us some kids skirts she made out of shirts
Adrienne showed her finished Top and got some advice on quilting and sprucing up the color!

It was a fun evening for sure. I think the whole destash yardsale may just become an annual summer event....

Next up this month - Sew in will be on Sunday July 26th. 10-5. 1 Prince Street Dartmouth


  1. beautiful quilts, ladies and the yard sale look like fun!

  2. Wow! Oh the yard sale would have been painful for me....well my wallet! The pillow covers are so beautiful! Summer is here but still lots of sewing going on :) Whoever did the note up with "My mother in law doesn't know me" is hilarious! Love it!

  3. Looks like a great time had by all! So sorry I missed it!!

  4. I cannot wait to see the finished ducks and the fruit butted women projects. D had some pretty special fabrics. 😂

  5. Wow, fabulous destash and projects displayed. The recipients of those pillows are lucky.
