
Friday 9 June 2017

MMQG 2017 Executive Challenge Voting

Thank you so much to everyone who worked so hard on their entries to the MMQG Executive Challenge this year. Words on quilts are a HUGE thing on the internet. And, they are super cool in person.

The theme was Word Play - and there were 12 completed entries that met the criteria:
-must be a finished, quilted item (pieced, quilted and bound)
-must be at least 12" x 12" in size
-must not depict only words that are made of single letters (I, A)

Update: June 21 @ 9:00pm 

BIG thank you to everyone who cast their votes and encouraged others to do the same.

In order of greatest number of votes - the top 5 entries in the Word Play Challenge are as follows:

1st Place: Anja "On My Honour" - 26 votes
2nd Place: Crystal "Too Young/Too Old" - 23 Votes
3rd Place: Adrienne "Plus Size" - 21 Votes
4th Place: Jennifer "Sew Day" - 16 votes
5th Place: Karen "Canada 150" - 13 Votes

Overall, 121 votes were cast!

Thanks fans, followers and friends!

Come Fly Away - Joan
What's Up Chicken Butt - Caitlin

Sew Day - Jennifer

Faith Hope Love - Barb K

Plus Size - Adrienne

Euclid - Andrea T J

Stitch - Valerie

Canada 150 - Karen

Too Old/Too Young - Crystal

Girls are Strong - Barb F
On my Honour - Anja

Grist for the Mill - Mary

The poll will close in 10 days, on June 19 2019 at 11:59pm Atlantic Time. The winners will be announced shortly thereafter.

There are some SWEET prizes up for grabs:

Thank you to our 2017 Executive Challenge Sponsors: Atlantic Fabrics, JN Harper Fabrics, and Craftsy!

p.s don't try to cheat and stuff the ballot box, I'll know. Santa is watching. 😉

-Social Media Sarah

1 comment:

  1. Left my vote but it was a tough decision, all were great!
