The skies were lit with lightening as 7 members met at
The Bargain Outlet with eyes sparkling over all the eye candy. A huge thank you to the store and Kathy N for opening up earlier for shopping and for hosting our meeting. If you have not been recently and have a chance, stop in as there are a number of quilts on display in the store.
Heather would also like to thank everyone for their patience waiting for her as she was racing to the meeting after a delayed flight from Montreal.
Heather talked about all the upcoming activities for swaps, bees and the workshop. Looking forward to seeing everyone's creativity in creating their name tags for future meetings. Member who wear their name tags will have their name entered into a draw for a prize...
Members shared their favourite 'quilt hacks'. We had a great discussion and there will be a few ideas adopted I am sure by others. For those who were not present, feel free to ask those who were there!
For BBF - Heather mentioned Canadian bloggers M-R (Quilt Matters) Leanne (She Can Quilt). Their blogs can be found at: http://quiltmatters.
Heather came away with a 'to do' list so watch the blog or Facebook for updates on the upcoming F8 Swap (October) and Quilt Bee block suggestions. There are still spots open for these activities, so if you are interested in being added to the list, please e-mail

We had a great time with show and tell.
Gail brought her fabric choices for a quilt top she is planning. Lots of triangles coming up! Members had fun with suggesting background options. Can't wait to see what she chooses.
Roberta brought her pillow and quilt she submitted in the recent quilt show. She also brought a quilt that just needs the binding put on as well as her row by row quilt.
Lucinda shared her awesome tote bag. It's huge with lots of fantastic pockets in side. We saw the blocks last month and this is how she used them in her project!
Heather brought her houses that she is working on for an IG swap. Progress has been made since the last sew-in!
Stay tuned for info on MMQG PE September happenings. You can stay in touch by following on Facebook too!